It was a good night, bought in for $15 on each table and managed to profit $68. It was magically delicious. There were no real notable hands, but I think that people are drastically overvaluing their hands at this level. Lots of PF raising with AAxx unsuited. It's so obvious that I found myself calling with nearly any four cards that connected in some way, just to see if I could outflop them. I even once called with 777K just to see a flop. Unraised preflop from the SB with four limpers made it easier to call as well. Flop comes 335 rainbow, I check, BB bets 1/2 the pot, which seemed weak, so I call. Turn is the case 7. Woot. Needless to say, the bettor was not happy when I stacked her (she had 328K). Yes, playing 777K is pretty stupid, and I'd never do it in a tournament, but for shits and giggles in a cash game, why not?
Anyway, there was a lot of swearing and anger. I never really go there, but for those of you who play at higher stakes, is there more or less of the berating?

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