So I'm playing at jdunford's monthly "Donkament". Yes, he actually calls it that. I'm feeling good, as I just got out of the gym and was playing some good poker. It's pretty donkish, so as long as you play decent cards and have some sort of read, you can usually cripple people easily. There's a lot of strange betting patterns, but the people are pretty easy to read. Except a few of the regulars, I'd say I could do well.
Anyway, I'm telling the story of Queens vs. Queens that happened over the weekend, and mid-story, I look down at Queens. I raise an early raiser, get a caller, then it folds around to him, who pushes. I look at him and say "If you show me Jacks I'm going to be upset!" to which he replies, "Do you have nines?" Odd. Anyway, I call and the person who called on my left folds AK of spades face up. Yay! I feel like I'm way ahead as the numbers of probability are running through my head. He flips Queens. Hilarious. But not really.
I end up cashing (3rd) and profit a whopping $10. Which I proceed to lose very quickly in the cash game. My two pair gets cracked by a bigger two pair on the turn. My flopped top pair gets crushed by a runner runner flush. My set of tens gets busted on the turn by fricking 98o. I end up down over $100. Terrible luck. I don't know why I bother with cash games, I absolutely suck at them.
By the way, don't forget - if you're 90 years old and haven't bought a TV since you were in your 70's, it's time to make the upgrade!
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1 year ago
weird - I would have said you were pretty good at cash games from the BOO. Didn't you do quite well then?
Yeah, that's what I thought... Maybe I shouldn't be playing in the "Donkaments" any more...
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