Friday, August 28, 2009


Tomorrow I'm off with a few buddies for the first time since the Spring for a roadtrip to Seneca for their deepstack 10am tournament. The structure isn't the best, but it's one of the only games in town, or rather, close to town. I've gone deep a few times, and actually cashed maybe four times out of 10. Not a horrible record. Very well run tournament, and the people are nice. The plan is to make our way over the border, play the tournament, and as people bust they'll make their way back over the border and back to the smelly hole that is Casino Niagara for the cash games.

Should be an interesting crew this time as well. Full report upon my return.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Holy Crap! An Update!


Has it really been this long? Man oh man. I have been a busy bee. Poker has always been there, but sort of an afterthought. At least, online it has been. I've been bitten by the live play bug, and can't really shake it. There's so much more to be learned once you've gotten past the math.

I've taken a stab at improving my game from an implied odds perspective, and I think things have gotten tremendously better from me doing that. Rather than just play so straightforward, I'm willing to make some questionable post flop plays in order to hopefully get paid off. It's working (I think).

Online just doesn't seem to do it for me. I still play the weekly Wednesday games on CT, but that's about it. They're also running a WSOP league, and I think I'm 2nd overall after 4 of 20 games (15 count towards your final score). Some work to do, but consistency has always been my strong point. Also qualified for the WCOOP and the Bloggers WCOOP qualifier. Wish me luck, I'll probably play the PLO event with my ticket.

Work has been incredibly busy (what recession?) and I'm pretty sure I'm one of the top earners again for the company this fiscal year. Nice.

I've been designing a lot of chips for people lately, as one of the mainstays of custom home chips is shuttering on August 31st. Sucks, now that there's only one game in town. My latest design is for BCC, and is my own personal set. Big thanks to MR. YOUKNOWWHO.