Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wheee! 10K down!

Here's the numbers over 10,000 hands of PLO10:

$248 won, 12.36BB/100 Hands

So far so good. I've stayed pretty tight, and if I recall correctly, my VPIP is around 38. The big thing I'm noticing is that most people I'm playing against have substantially higher VPIP's. In the 70-90 percentile, which sounds really, really high for a game as volatile as PLO.

Had an awesome weekend, playing HU battle after battle vs. a very good friend of mine. Also, first weekend in what must have been a month where I wasn't at work. Yays for me!

I'd love to hear what people think of my PLO exploits so far. I'm going to start posting more hands, so there's more to discuss. I have to wrap my head around how to do screenshots and such from WinXP. I'm such a goof with Windows.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am so sick.

As in sick sick. I've contracted the mother of all colds and I'm feeling awful.

The wife and I made it out for Valentine's, but I've been feeling so terrible that there hasn't been much time for poker. I played roughly 1500 hands in the last week, mostly because of work, but this cold is going to keep me from the tables for a little while longer.

Work hasn't been this busy in ages either, talk about horrible timing. Not like there's ever a good time to get a cold.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

History of teh Internetz!

Best video you'll see today, explaining in some detail how this whole "tubes" thing came to be.

Up over 6500 hands, still showing profit, still grinding away. The major difference I've been employing as of 1500 hands ago is much less preflop aggression, and much more passive play.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Uh, wow... Work happens.

It's been a whole week since I played any poker. Damn. I guess I actually do have a day job.

Speaking of the day job, I am loving it. I'm working on a huge project (7 day shoot, woot!) that has me spending a bit of time each day on set, cutting proof-of-concept snippets so my clients can see that it's coming together as planned. It's always cool to show up as they're shooting it and showing that things are going to rock. As far as I'm concerned, we've got all the best people involved and it's showing in the footage.

I plan on logging a thousand hands or so tonight, but we'll see how that goes. The MIL is in town as part of a junket that was supposed to include Boston, but that part got cancelled. She's been staying with us in the CatCondo (don't ask) for the past week. It's been great having her here though. She's been working in China for the last year and a bit, and the wife doesn't get to see her as often as before the move (obviously).

I've got to go in early tomorrow, (CUT MONKEY, CUT!!!!!) so getting 1000 hands in might be tough... Wish me luck!

EDIT: I signed up for Statcounter, and man oh man, it's so cool to know that people out there are actually READING this thing.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well, back to the drawing board. Just under 5000 hands and I'm right back where I started. I wonder if any of it has to do with playing on the weekend. I don't think my play adjusted all that much, but it appears that no matter how much betting i do on the turn, people are calling with almost no odds and making their hands.

One thing I did notice, is that I'm finding it difficult to fold two pair on draw heavy boards. I is teh suck.

Is there anybody out there that can help me analyze my hand database?