The game consists of teams of 8, playing a mixed bag of games over the course of 12 hours. PLO or 7Stud, followed by a LHE, NL, and Headsup SnG. All spots are awarded points for their respective finish. I finished 2nd in PLO (which was my preferred game of PLO & 7Stud), 4th in LHE (which I royally suck at), 1st in the NL game (Woot!), and a bust in the Headsup. My team captain told me that the guy I was headsup against was extremely aggro and would raise with any two cards. I took him at his word, and after the guy limped, I raised with AQs, he re-raised 1/3 of his stack, and I decided to push. He insta called with bullets and that was it. Ouch. As it turns out, if I had won that headsup match, we would have finished in 2nd overall in points rather than 3rd. Oh well, there's a lot of "woulda coulda shouldas" in this type of tournament.
I had a blast and would easily do it again.
I got verbally berated by BigMike (CT) because of my flat call from the button with pocket threes after it had been three bet PF in Limit. I deserved it. Bad move on my part!
Here's my busto in PLO. We got it all in on the flop. What a heartbreaker river card!

OMG, are those labelled dice chips in that pic???
Maybe next time they should invite more CT'ers! ;o)
You're telling me. Jdunford and I were less than impressed.
Nice to see I made it into your blog!
That cold call WAS ridonkulous ;)
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