I've decided to take a break from tournaments. Despite some early success, I think I've opened up a little too much and have started playing too loose. I've also forgotten some golden rules and gotten a little sloppy. Might be time for me to focus on starting fresh with a different discipline. Consider it a New Year's Resolution.
I'm going to switch over to PLO cash for awhile and start near the bottom. I'm starting at PLO$10 with 20 buyins to see what I can do. Sadly, I think I'm going to need to do an install of XP in bootcamp (on my Mac) so I can start running Pokertracker. I'd do everything on the Mac side, but crossover and PT3 don't like each other. And I refuse to buy a PC. Just can't do it.
I'm going to be very strict in my approach. No more than an hour a day multitabling four tables at 10¢/25¢. $200 starting roll.
I've also started going back to the gym. It felt really good to hit the treadmill and weights again. I ran into my old personal trainer on Monday and the pangs of guilt were too strong to stay away. Oddly enough, after three solid months of not going, I set a new personal best for the mile. Weird. I use the Nike sport kit with my iPod and I absolutely love it. Very motivating to keep track of your runs, and to watch subtle improvements.
I also subscribed to Deucescracked. Let me just say that this is a terrible investment, and nobody looking to improve their game should do it. You will learn nothing from the pros and it's like throwing away your monies.
Link Latte 285
1 year ago
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