So P* is sponsoring some freeroll for teh leet bloggerz like myself. I decided to sign up, mostly thanks to a new CT blog, Josh Dalton's Burro Puro. Thanks for the headsup Josh! Here's the required Pokerstars signage:

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 684566
I suggest we get a little last-longer going between all the CT bloggers. Y'all game?
P* said that I have not been blogging long enough to enter. Bastards.
Ouch Josh, that's the suck. I'm playing the PLO tournament right now, and was doing great (2nd!) until a suckout cost me half my stack.
176 remaining, 72 make it to the final.
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