Well, that was easy. I'm back on the road to riches and financial freedom. All it took was a little 600 hand session of multitabling last night to restore the bankroll. +5 buyins puts me right back where I started 23000 hands ago. LOL. If I hadn't taken that stab at .10/.25 I'd probably still be on the uptick, rather than in rebuilding mode. Oh well, live and learn!
While multi-ing 5 tables last night, I also played in Chiptalk's Monday Main Event, which was a HOSE mixed game. LHE, LO8, LS, and LS8. Pretty fun to mix it up a bit, and wonder of all wonders, I took it down. If it wasn't for the O8 portion, there's no way I would have won.
I said before, that 5 tables seems to be my max. What I liked about adding in a 6th table, specifically a tournament table, is the limited amount of time I have to make decisions. I find that if I don't have the nuts by the river and haven't invested a ton, it's pretty easy to get away from.
As I approach the 25k mark, I'd like to have someone review my stats. 1. Is there an easy way to present all the data without sending someone the entire database, and 2. Does anybody want to take a gander?
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1 year ago