This weather is seriously getting me down. It doesn't help that the markets have gone to rat shit either. Wifey's pretty worried about the retail market here, as it's pretty much tanked and nobody's buying anything and is seriously affecting her business. Canadians are generally a pretty thrifty people, and when there's financial issues, they tend to get even more so.
I'm the opposite though, when things get out of whack like they are now (thanks for buying those houses you couldn't afford, America), I do my best to keep spending. I'm not sure if it helps, but I hope it does, even if in some minor way.
I was supposed to go to the gym today, but I just couldn't do it. I feel pretty crappy, as I'm pretty sure I got the cough going around the office. Sucks.
Played three tournaments last night, busto in all three. I was doing so well, but all it takes is one mistake and you're pooched.
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1 year ago